It took me a bit longer to load the pretty pictures from the Game Reserve to my Computer and finally I got there! In my travel guide the Plettenberg Game Reserve was recommended and it was truly a great experience! All ready on the way to the Reception we saw Zebras, Springbocks and Ostriches. Here are my best pictures
The Lodge was beautifully decorated, it was like in these movies "Out of Africa"
this is the first giraff that was born in the Game Reserve (they opened the Game Reserve in 2001)
After our first game drive, Ignalas came into the garden of our Lodge and I had the opportunity to take pictures of them by being 4 meters close to them. The name Ignala comes from the Zulu language and it means "bastards" The reason the Zulu's named them bastards is that they like very much to come in to your garden and eat the best grass and herbs they can find.
The next day we went on a 2nd game drive and this time around the Hippos were by far my favorites. I enjoyed watching them taking a bath and our guide explained to us, that we were very lucky to find them outside of the water, since it was a hot day and there skin is super sensitive to the sun.
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